Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 3 Post 1

Professor Edward O. Wilson

If I had the opportunity to talk to Professor Wilson, I would ask him one question. What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of living on Earth for 65-120 years? Why do you feel we are here? I was very intrigued by Professor Wilson's interview because he addresses certain issues that I think a lot of people struggle with, only he decides to take the road less traveled. Where we answer with religion, he answers with biology. A lot of people would say that they do good works because it glorifies their god, whoever that may be. Dr. Wilson would say though that he does good deeds because he is "hardwired" to do good deeds. He has a very interesting take on life.

I think that the reason why I was not insulted by Dr. Wilson's comments was because he is confident in his own beliefs, but he has a respect for the other side. I never felt like he was trying to bash Christianity, or any other religion. I simply gathered that he does not feel that is the answer for himself. He made one very strong point, if we can find a way for religion and science to come together, we could very well save this planet that is in dire need of saving. If religious folks can get excited about saving God's creations, and science people can get excited about maintaining a healthy biodiversity, together we can overcome climate change, and environmental destruction.

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