Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week 1 Post 5

Which Philosophical Tradition Do You Disagree With Most?

This is a complex question for me because it is difficult to say what philosophical tradition I disagree with most because I am not educated on all of the philosophical traditions. I think that if and when I answer this question I will have to apologize for a lack of good knowledge on the subject for which I am answering. I am not yet an educated phiolosopher so this first opinion is just that, an opinion. Through furthering my knowledge in philosophy I look forward to improving my knowledge and therefore being able to answer this question in a more thorough way at the end of this course.

I guess the part of philosophy that I disagree with the most is how in every answer there is two questions. When a philosopher gets asked a philosophical question, they answer with their views, but within that same answer are two new questions. I am guilty of this problem myself. In several of my previous posts I have answered my questions with only further questions. It is a vicious cycle and it just proves that the more we know, the less we know.

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