Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week 1 Post 2

In this post I will be addressing the first video about who we are.

I believe that this is a very complex question. I think that who we are can never be defined. No matter what you ever do in your life it is always impossible to define oneself. In fact, if any one is to define me as a person, I would not leave that task up to myself. I believe that task can be best completed by the ones close to me. A person to know themselves and be able to define themselves is a daunting task.

There are several reasons for not being able to define ourselves. The first of which is that we have a biased opinion. When the common person is asked to define themselves they are of course going to list their own accolades and omit all of their shortcomings. It is also unnatural to define oneself. A person has never really analyzed them self because they "know" themselves and have always known everything about themselves for so long that there are little things that would not be told.

Finally, I must address the problem with yet another question. What is a human? What defines a human being? There is nothing that truly separates a human being from anything else. What is it that makes a human being unique?

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