Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 2 Post 5

The Future of Information and Memory

This ties in extremely closely with the ideas of artificial intelligence, or AI, that were addressed in the Socratic Universe. What I got from this is that the entire universe can be stored in the same place on something that is probably no bigger than the houses that we occupy. And the space that these memory devices use, is becoming smaller and smaller. I like the analogy with the iPhone because if we consider it, the new iPhone 4G is thinner and takes up a smaller space than the iPhone 3G. And yet, the new iPhone can hold the same amount if not more information than can be stored on the older model.

The technological advancements are extremely fast. The iPhone 3G is not an old phone. It took Apple only about two years to make a thinner model that stores the same amount of information. I do not think that human beings are that far off from being able to create a portable device that will store everything that has ever been created. My only question to that is this: will that information be accessible, or at some point will technology enter some kind of carrying capacity as far as storing of information? Will it someday become impossible to make the access of information even faster? Or like our universe, will technology continue to advance exponentially?

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