Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 6 Post 5-The final post

At the age of 18 Leo Tolstoy dropped out of his university and lost his faith. He had been raised in an Eastern Orthodox home, but had never really believed what he had been taught about God. When he was 11 a friend came to his house and told him that they had discovered that everything that they had ever learned about God was an invention. When he and his brothers talked about it they discovered that it could be a possibility. This was the first major turning point for Leo Tolstoy.

His conversion occurred because religion simply seemed to thaw away with knowledge. When he gained new knowledge, religion seemed less and less important. Tolstoy figured that this was a very normal thing. He even says that religion begins to thaw away for most people as they get older. The wiser that Tolstoy became the less religious he became. That is why he turned away from religion.

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