Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 4 Post 8

The theme behind a Glorious Piece of Meat is that we are only a series of firing neurons, or are we? The idea here is that our brain controls everything in our body and yet we still think that we run things. The true theme here is a question, are we more then just a set of firing neurons, or is that the entire purpose of life. If it is true that we are just firing neurons, then what is the purpose of life? Why are we here if we are only supposed to be be a set of firing neurons?

I believe that a religious person would argue against this like this. Why did God put us here if we were only meant to be a series of firing neurons. It is impossible that our entire existence as a species is only to be here and exist and fire and die. There is no purpose if we can be boiled down entirely to firing neurons carried out by a nearly empty shell of neutrons, protons, and electrons. This statement argues with the very fundamental piece of all religions, so what if there is no soul?

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